Posted: Friday, March 26, 2010 by Mitch in

Well… thankyou Nova for raising my status towards our readers… and to be perfectly frank… that was over a month ago :3 I no longer do anything quite that bad… okay yeah… I’m trying not to.

Anyways, back to the article. I’m going to review something… someone rather, who has given me great entertainment, Mysteryguitarman. Mystery Guitar Man (MGM) has given me some of the greatest music I’ve heard so far this year. Every Tuesday and Thursday he posts up one of his extremely creative and innovative videos.

I recommend to anyone who has an interest in Music or Youtube to check this awesome contributor and enjoy his creativity.

Here’s a taste of MGM:

The Future is Awesome. But you must have Convition.

Posted: by John_Nova in

So just as another post quickly. The new Ghost Recon game will be set in future warfare (which is nice seeing every other game is too obsessed with realism and modern warfare) In the Live action trailer there was cloaking, identifying tech in sights, automated tanks and rockets on backpacks. That all so awesome. But sadly the live action trailer shows Ultranationalsits in Russia as an enemy while I am sure it will hit other European countries and Middle Eastern countries (if you check the teaser it shows names of certain countries) it seems that war really never changes in the mind of Tom Clancy. But what can I say Russia has always been the place to say wholly shit they could fuck us up big time. Somehow that should be made a compliment. But what makes this game even better is that like ODST SC: Conviction will have a beta invite for a future title Convictions will be be Future Solider of course. I for one am hooked just because of 2 trailers.

Here are the two trailers of course


Courtesy for Gamers

Posted: by John_Nova in

Hi to anyone who bothers to read this and I'm the guy that prefers to be called Nova on the internet for a good reason.

Anyway I'm Sake's friend and he is supposed to be mine I'm sure he is. But there are times like any friendship where you want to hate the other person because of something. I tend to have a favorite with this. It was one day when Sake another friend and myself were playing GoW 2 on horde and we were having fun and such I didn't notice sake using his phone or anything because I was sitting in front of him. All of a sudden Sake say that he's hungry and he wants to go a fast food joint we shrug it off as well wait a minute we are going pretty good just wait a sec. Then Sake said it a few more times I then agreed because it meant I could stock up on some drinks as well so all three of us put the controllers down and went to the one that Sake wanted to go to and suprise his girlfriend (that I call Raz for some reason) was there an hour from starting work at the same place that we were about to get food from. It wasn't a Fucking coincidence at all this was what he wanted to do after all it was his girlfriend. But the most annoying thing was when I ordered food Sake was standing away from the counter I asked him, "Are you going to get something?" To which Sake replied, "I'm not hungry" That's fucking right I thought to myself. Which is why I'm going to be working on something and posting some parts of it on this blog. It will be titled just like this. Seeing Sake wants to do a little thing we are working together Sake would be wise to read them. So in closing Sake there are more things I could talk about but I'm doing this to warm up to the future articles entitled this.

NOVA AND OUT of my mind

P.S. I never make paragraphs get used to that.

Re-Constituting our Monotony :3

Posted: Saturday, March 20, 2010 by Mitch in

Well, it seems as if we're trying once again to make our mark on this community. To those that knew us, though you didn't make your presence known, welcome back, and to those who are new to us, we hope you enjoy this as much as we do.

Loading Strategy's purpose... well if you could call it that is to review. Review, Critique and otherwise 'take the piss out of' movies/games/videos/books/restaurants... perhaps not so much that one. Anyway, it's pretty much a place for us to give our opinion, and, like everyone else on the net, were probably not going to be kind (well one of us isn't).

Loading Strategy, as of this moment, is kept alive by Nova (Chris) and Sake, myself (Mitch). We're only just starting so comments in the comment section below. go ahead and troll if you like, we're just so desperately lonely *sniffle* that even someone who is a complete... well troll... will make us feel loved.

And On that note, I've decided to end with a musical number: